Monday, December 5, 2011

Agenda 12/5/11

1. Bell Task: Supply Side and Demand Side Examples (On Board)
2. Group Work: Economic Challenge (Presentations on Thursday and Friday)
3. HW: Finish Chapter 12 Reading + Prepare for Economic Challenge

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Agenda 12/1/11

1. Exam Chapter 10-11
2. HW: Read Chapter 12 A-C

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Agenda 11/22/11

1. Exam Chapter 9
2. HW: Read chapter 10 and start objectives 10

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Agenda 11/17/11

1. Bell Task: Why does the private sector not effectively provide "public goods".
2. Discussion Chapter 9
3. HW: Research Obama's Tax Plan and Compare it to one Republican Candidate's Plan
Discuss Pros and Cons
What type of tax plan is it? Proportional, Progressive, Regressive.
(Do this on a separate piece of paper to turn in)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Agenda 11/9/11

1. Bell Task: What is the proper role of govt.? What should it provide?
2. Discussion Chapter 9
3. HW: Finish Chapter 9 Reading and Objectives
Exam Chapter 9 Tuesday (Maybe Thursday) next week.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Agenda 11/7/11

1. Bell Task: Gas has risen from $3.50 to $10.00 because of war disruptions (supply) in the Middle East. Would it be a good or bad move for the govt. to impose a price ceiling of $4.00? Draw Two Diagrams:
a. One to explain the supply disruption.
b. One to explain the effect of the new price ceiling.
2. Exam Chapter 3 Review
3. HW: Exam Chapter 3 Tomorrow.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Agenda 11/4

1. Discussion Chapter 3
2. HW: Chapter 3 Review Questions (on Class Website Under: Class Resources)
I put it up on Sunday 11/6: Available NOW!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Agenda 11/3/11

1. Bell Task: Using a supply and demand diagram, show the effects of minimum wage laws pointing out both winners and losers.
2. Discussion Chapter 3: Surpluses and Shortages
3. HW:
Exam Chapter 3 Tuesday Next Week.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Agenda 11/1/11

1. Bell Task: Minimum Wage Analysis
a. Do you support minimum wage laws? Why? Why not?
b. Describe the people that minimum wage laws are designed to help.
c. Use a diagram to show how wages are determined without minimum wage laws.
d. How does the diagram change when minimum wage laws are instituted?
e. Who are the winners and losers of minimum wage laws?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Agenda 10/25/11

1. Bell Task: How many boxes of Girl Scout cookies would you buy at these prices (boxes typically sell for 3.50?
0.50, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50
2. Discussion: Circular Flow and Demand
3. HW: Finish Stock Trades and Chapter 3 Reading

Monday, October 24, 2011

Agenda 10/24/11

1. Bell Task: What are the advantages of investing in Mutual Funds? What indicators are the most important?
2. How to pick a Mutual Fund.
3. Circular Flow of Economics
4. HW: Finish Chapter 3 Reading and Objectives

Friday, October 21, 2011

Agenda 10/21/11

1. Bell Task: What is the best way to minimize risk in the stock market?
2. Investing in Mutual Funds
3. Circular Flow: Chapter 3
4. HW: Finish Chapter 3

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Agenda 10/18/11

1. Bell Task: How do you pick a good stock?
2. Indicators for Stock Market Picks
3. Discussion Chapter 3
4. HW: Chapter 3 C+D Reading

Monday, October 17, 2011

Agenda 10/17/11

1. Bell Task: Describe a disciplined investment plan. Define: Diversification, Dividend. Which classification of stocks is better for retirees? Young workers?
2. Stock Picking Game
3. HW: Finish Chapter 3 C and D

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Agenda 10/13/11

1. Bell Task: Describe ways to create wealth for the future?
2. Investing Tips
3. What is a stock?
4. HW: Read Chapter 3: C+D

Monday, October 10, 2011

Agenda 10/10/11

1. Liberal vs. Conservative Debates
2. HW: Reading Chapter 3 A+B

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Agenda 10/4/11

1. Bell Task: Distinguish between the liberal and conservative worldview.
2. Review: Liberal vs. Conservative Spreadsheet
3. Groups: Liberals vs. Conservatives
4. HW: Research your assigned topic from the spreadsheet. Be prepared to debate and present facts on your topic. Due Thurs.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Agenda 10/3/11

1. Political Quiz
2. Political Worldview Quotes
3. HW: Check off issues on Political Handout
Come with questions about handout.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Agenda 9/27/11

1. Discussion: Capitalism A Love Story
2. Exam Review Chapter 2
3. HW: Exam Chapter 2 Thursday
Objectives Due Thurs.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Agenda 9/26/11

1. Film: Capitalism A Love Story
2. HW: Exam Chapter 2 Thursday

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Agenda 9/13/11

1. Discussion: The Benefits of Capitalism Packet
2. HW: Finish all packet reading and questions by Thursday

Monday, September 12, 2011

Agenda 9/12/11

1. Bell Task: What are the four institutions necessary to have capitalism according to your reading.
2. Exam 1 Review
3. Discussion: The Benefits of Capitalism
4. HW: Go to class forum: Watch Videos: Post comments on forum and comment on one classmates comments.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Agenda 9/2/11

1. Bell Task: "The History of Capitalism is a history of slavery, child labor, war, and environmental pollution" Comment on this quote. Do you agree or disagree? Why or Why not?
2. Discussion: Political Systems
3. HW: Finish Chapter 2
Begin packet (on class page)Teaching the Benefits of Capitalism: Read through page 7
Download and Answer part 1 questions.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Agenda 9/1/11

1. Bell Task: Exam Review Questions
2. Exam Chapter 1
3. HW: Read Chapter 2 Sections A-B
Start Objectives Chapter 2

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Agenda 8/30/11

1. Bell Task: PPF Curves
Drawing on Board:

Where is the opportunity cost paid?
What does it mean to work inside the curve?
Can we get to the point outside the curve?

2. Discussion Chapter 1: PPF curves
3. HW: Exam Chapter 1 Thursday
Objectives Chapter 1 Due Thursday

Monday, August 29, 2011

Agenda 8/29/11

1. Bell Task: How would a hurricane like Irene possibly affect a countries Production Possibilities Frontier?
2. Chapter 1 Discussion
3. HW: Exam Chapter 1 Thursday

Friday, August 26, 2011

Agenda 8/26/11

1. Bell Task: Trading Activity Wrap-up

What trends did you notice about your happiness (utility)?

Why do you think this trend happened?

Why did we trade in a closed market for the first trade? What economic reality does this illustrate?

What lessons did you learn about economic activity?

2. Discussion Chapter 1: Opportunity Costs, Rational Choices, Factors of Production
Production Possibilities Frontier
3. HW: Finish Chapter 1 Objectives

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Agenda 8/23/11

1. Bell Task: What is the study of economics? Why is it important?
2. Classroom Procedures/Syllabus
3. Why study economics
4. HW: Read Chapter 1 Sections A-C
Download Objective 1 Questions
Bring Item for Trading Activity

Monday, August 22, 2011

Agenda 8/22/11

1. About Me
2. Class Rules and procedures
3. HW:
a. Trading Activity: Bring cheap item to class in a bag.
b. Syllabus: Print, sign, return.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Agenda 1/28/11

1. Film: Capitalism: A Love Story
2. Discussion Chapter 2
3. HW: Socialism Forum Discussion
Watch Videos on Socialism, comment on something you agree or disagree with. Also, comment on one classmates remarks.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Agenda 1/25/11

1. Bell Task: Does profit equal greed? Why or Why not?
2. Discussion Chapter 2
3. HW: Capitalism Videos: Watch Videos 2,3, and 4.
Comment on Class Forum and respond to at least one classmates comment.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Agenda 1/24/11

1. Bell Task: What was needed for early civilization to develop?
2. Wrap-up: Benefits of Capitalism
3. Discussion Chapter 2
4. HW: Finish Chapter 2

Friday, January 21, 2011

Agenda 1/21/11

1. Discussion: Benefits of Capitalism Packet
2. HW: Read Chapter 2 A-C + Objectives
Finish Packet Questions (on website)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Agenda 1/18/11

1. Exam Chapter 1
2. HW: The Benefits of Capitalism Packet and Questions
Please download the following:
1. Packet: The Benefits of Capitalism
2. Questions: The Benefits of Capitalism (I-IV)

Read the Packet through section IV (ends on page 7)
Answer Questions
Bring the printed packet and answer to questions to class.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Agenda 1/12/11

1. Trading Activity
2. Chapter 1 Discussion: PPF Curves
3. HW: Exam Chapter 1 Tuesday Jan. 18

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Agenda 1/11/11

1. Bell Task: Why is it important to study economics?
2. Discussion Chapter 1
3. HW: Bring Item for Trading Activity
Exam Chapter 1 Tuesday Jan. 18

Monday, January 10, 2011

Agenda 1/10/11

1. Bell Task: What is economics?
2. The Economics of Peach Pie
3. HW: Finish Chapter 1