Monday, April 28, 2014

Agenda 4/28/14

1.  Exam Chapter 10
2.  HW:  Read Sections A-B and D in Chapter 11.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Agenda 4/22/14

1.   Bell Task:  What are the different types of unemployment?  Most serious?
2.  Discussion Chapter 10:  Inflation and Unemployment
3.  HW:   Finish Chapter 10 Reading and Objectives
Exam Chapter 10 Monday 4/28

Monday, April 21, 2014

Agenda 4/21/14

1.  Exam Chapter 9
2.  HW:  Please return Parent Surveys (VERY important)
Finish Chapter 10 Objectives and reading (on Edmodo)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Agenda 4/9/14

1.  Bell Task:   For the following subjects:

a.  What would be the goals of Public or Private provision of the items above?
b. What would a combination of the best of both Public/Private look like?
2.  Public Goods vs Private Goods or Combination?
3.  Taxation:  Types
4.  HW:  Finish Chapter 9 reading and objectives

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Agenda 4/8/14

1.  Bell Task: 

What is the difference between a public good and private good?

When is it better to have public provision of a good or service?

When is it better to have private provision of a good or service?

2.  Discussion Chapter 9:  Sections A and B
3.  HW:  Finish Reading and Objectives for sections A-D